Our methods might not be magical. But they are proven.

Risk Profiling

We recognize that every individual or corporate has different needs and our portfolios should be built to meet those needs. We spend time with you to understand your situation before we build your investment portfolio. After all, the possibility of a higher return will not matter if a temporary fall in the value of your portfolio would cause you to lose sleep or panic and sell before a market recovery. We, also, rely on our proprietary ‘risk profiling’ process to help us determine the combination of funds across asset classes which would be most effective in helping you achieve your goals, while being in line with your attitude towards risk.

What’s your risk profile?


Diversification helps minimize investment risk. At the portfolio level, we diversify across asset classes- equity and fixed income securities. We limit the number of funds from each mutual fund company to avoid concentration risk. The funds are selected to ensure exposure to different sectors of the market. We avoid over-diversification by limiting the number of funds in your portfolio. The amount of investment risk that you can diversify away reduces beyond a point. By keeping the portfolios small, we can monitor your investments better.

Portfolio Rebalancing

Over time, the values of individual funds in your portfolio move up and down, drifting away from their target weights. Rebalancing the portfolio weights helps to keep the portfolio risk in line with your risk profile. In addition to that, rebalanced portfolios tend to give better returns. Your portfolio is rebalanced only when we can minimize transaction costs and tax implications.

How Are The Funds Selected?

The funds we recommend in your portfolio are picked through a rigourous selection process. We look for stable, reasonably sized mutual fund companies. From these companies, our fund analysis team short-lists funds in each category based on risk, returns and consistency. We also look at the size of the fund, expense ratio and other parameters.

Our investment experts personally meet the fund managers of the short-listed funds to understand their investment strategy better.

The funds are, then, selected keeping in mind the state of the economy to make sure that you have the best funds for the future and not the best funds from the past. We review the funds regularly based on both internal factors like a change in the fund manager and external factors like market cycles.

We are registered as a distributor of mutual funds with the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) and our ARN Number is 4193.


We have tried to answer some questions commonly asked by new investors. We’d love to discuss any of this (and more) with you in greater detail.

Investing With Us

All investments made through us are made entirely in your name. The money goes directly to the selected Mutual fund scheme from your account. Only you can authorize transactions in your investment account, unless you want us to operate via a Power of Attorney.

We can process your redemption at your discretion. Generally, the withdrawn amounts get credited in one (t+1) business day for debt funds and three (t+3) business days for equity funds.

Some funds might have exit loads for a specific period of time (usually in the range of 1% if withdrawn within 1 year).We will, of course, optimise all your transactions to ensure that exit loads and tax implications are minimized.

There are absolutely no charges involved in investing through us. But as a distributor of mutual funds, we get a small brokerage from the mutual fund companies. See More

We make sure that confidential information pertaining to your account and investments are never compromised.

More About Mutual Funds

An equity mutual fund invests primarily (65% or above) in stocks. Equity funds are principally categorized based on the market capitalisation of the stocks they hold and the investment style of the fund manager.

As per the current Income Tax laws, profit generated of under Rs.1 lakh is tax free if the investment has been held for over 1 year. Profits in excess of Rs.1 lakh will be taxed at 10% if the investment is held for over 1 year. Before one year they are taxed at 15%.

A debt fund invests primarily (65% or above) in fixed income products. A debt fund may invest in short-term or long-term bonds, securitized products, money market instruments or floating rate bonds.

As per the current Income Tax laws, any profits generated through debt funds are taxed at 20% after indexation after three years. Before three years they are taxed at your income tax slab rate. This tax treatment is what makes debt funds superior to bank FDs.

Tax payments are adjusted based on a price index in order to maintain the purchasing power after inflation. Indexation is applicable for debt mutual funds, if the holding period is more than 3 years. This helps reduce the tax burden.

For example, you invest Rs.1,00,000 in a debt fund in January 2014 at a NAV of Rs.10. And redeem all of it in July 2017 when the NAV is Rs.13.5. The value of your investment is therefore Rs.1,35,000. However, since your investment is long term (more than 36 months) the entire gain of Rs.35,000 will not be taxed under long term capital gains.

With Indexation, your cost of purchase will be adjusted as per the Cost Inflation Index chart values. In case of the above example, cost of purchase becomesRs.1,00,000 × 272⁄220= Rs.1,23,636. Thus, the long term capital gains will be Rs.11364.

Illustration below shows that Mutual Fund investments can yield upto35% to 45% more income than Bank FDs on a post-tax basis.

Illustration of Post-Tax Returns

Parameters Bank FD Mutual Funds
Amount Invested (RsCrores) 1 crore 1 crore
Date of Investment 30.03.2014 30.03.2014
Date of Maturity/Redemption 31.03.2017 31.03.2017
Assumed Interest Rate/ Return (p.a.) 9.00% 9.00%
Interest Received/ Capital gains- Pre Tax 29.50 lakhs 29.50 lakhs
Income Tax at Current Rates 9.11 lakhs 1.96 lakhs
Post Tax Amount 20.38 lakhs 27.54 lakhs
Post Tax Annualized Return 6.38%** 8.45%

**The actual returns on Bank FD will be slightly lower as Income tax has to be paid every year on accrued interest. The amount compounded will be that much less and return will be 6.22% p.a. only.

Note: Tax Calculations are shown below

For Bank FDs    
Applicable Tax Rate = 30.90%  
Interest Received = [1 crore*(1+9%)^3]- 1 crore = 29.5 lakhs
Tax Calculation = 29.5 lakh*30.90%  
Income Tax   = 9.11 lakh
For Mutual Funds    
Applicable Tax Rate = 20.60% after Indexation  
Indexed cost of investment = 1 crore * 264/220 = 1.20 crores
Capital Gains = (1 crore+ 29.5 lakhs) – 1.20 crores = 9.50 lakhs
Tax Calculation = 9.50 lakhs*20.60%  
Income Tax   = 1.96 lakhs

ELSS funds are diversified equity mutual funds which qualify for tax exemption under Section 80C of Income Tax Act 1961. Higher potential returns along with the lowest lock-in period of three years compared to other 80C instruments like PPF, NPS, NSC, etc makes it a great option.

An SIP is a method of investing in mutual funds on a regular basis. The investment amount will be debited from your bank account every month, and invested into a set of mutual funds. SIPs help in averaging out your costs over the long term. Also, you won’t have to worry about timing the markets.

Failing to make a monthly payment will not result in any charges or penalties from us or the mutual fund company. However, you should check with your bank if there are any charges for failed mandate payments. We can discuss and make additional investments later to help you stay on track towards your goal.